The Greatest Return on Investment (ROI)
Re'eh Levi Levitin Re'eh Levi Levitin

The Greatest Return on Investment (ROI)

Investors often evaluate the efficiency of an investment by measuring the Return on Investment (ROI). In a broader sense, we make decisions all the time to ascertain where we should invest our time and resources to produce the greatest profit with the least amount of risk. Often, greater opportunities for profit are associated with higher levels of risk as well.

However, there is one type of investment that produces a guaranteed high return with no risk. That is the investment in Tzedaka. I use the Hebrew word Tzedaka, and not charity, because it more accurately portrays the true essence of its definition. Charity connotes performing a nice and generous act, going beyond the call of duty. Tzedaka, however, is derived from the word Tzedek, which means “righteousness”, or doing the right thing. When we give Tzedaka, we are fulfilling our responsibility to G-d who entrusted us with allocating the wealth in the proper manner.

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Rights or Responsibilities
Re'eh Levi Levitin Re'eh Levi Levitin

Rights or Responsibilities

At the turn of the 18th Century, there were many new philosophies and movements that were gaining popularity and capturing the minds and hearts of millions of people across the globe. They challenged the autocratic system of governance and power which was prevalent at that time and introduced new ideas that sought to bring an end to inequality, poverty, and suffering.

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