Work Ethic

Holy Business

Dr. Bernard Spector, a respected businessman and philanthropist from Montreal, once visited the Rebbe to receive his blessing and advice. "Rebbe, when does one decide they have enough?" he asked.


Dr. Spector explained that he had recently sold his business and was now receiving other lucrative business offers. "I am seeking advice to know when a person decides they have enough money for themselves and their family, and they have reached their goal."

Doing Well by Doing Good

Doing Well by Doing Good

Not long ago, the conventional belief was that profit and corporate social responsibility were mutually exclusive pursuits. The notion that a company could boost its bottom line while contributing positively to society was rarely entertained by business leaders.

Today, however, advanced technologies and streamlined processes are reducing costs, paving the way for a new perspective: benefiting people and the world need not sacrifice profitability. 

According to Deloitte Global's recent annual Readiness Report, which surveyed over 2,000 CXOs from 19 countries, 62 percent of these leaders prioritize linking societal contributions with profit-making endeavors.


Time Management

A Nuclear Reaction

You may have heard the expression "time is money," but Judaism teaches us that time has infinite value when used appropriately. Can we place a price tag on the time we spend with our children or grandchildren at the Seder table while transmitting the beauty of our Jewish heritage to them? Can we measure the moment when a doctor saves a patient's life in an operating room? Is it possible to fully comprehend and appreciate the impact we have on another person through seemingly insignificant encounters or conversations?

In 1976, renowned author, radio host, lecturer, and business consultant Rabbi David Lapin was at an apparent crossroads during the early stages of his career. At that time, he was working for a commodity trading company in Johannesburg while also establishing a Jewish studies academy and delivering dozens of weekly lectures to hundreds of Jewish students in the region. With two full-time jobs, he felt that he was spreading himself too thin to successfully manage all of his responsibilities. Seeking guidance, he decided to consult the Rebbe, Rabbi M.M. Schneerson.


Career Satisfaction

Career Satisfaction

In a recent research study on career satisfaction conducted by Forbes, it was reported that one of the primary factors influencing employee and client satisfaction was the approach taken by businesses, whether transactional or relational.


Businesses that employed a transactional approach with their employees and clients were primarily concerned with short-term gains. They encouraged their team to make sales at any cost, without much thought to the customer's needs or the long-term implications. As a result, employees viewed their work in that context and focused solely on their monthly paycheck, paying little attention to the long-term vision and goals of their work. This led to higher employee burnout and low customer loyalty.


Think Big

Several years ago, renowned Radio & TV Host personality Dave Ramsey addressed a diverse audience of thousands at a convention and shared insights from a book that he felt had changed his life.


The book, "Thou Shall Prosper" by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, delves into how the Jewish people have had the tendency to prosper way beyond their population size in every setting they have ever been in throughout history. The Jewish people today, constituting only 3% of the American population, remarkably make up 67% of the Forbes 400 list.

Interest-Free Loans

Altruism & Happiness

Israel is ranked as the fourth happiest country in the world, according to the UN-sponsored World Happiness Report. The obvious question arises: how can Israel, the only civilized nation under constant mortal danger, maintain such happiness? Despite ongoing threats from Iran and its terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah, along with facing global boycotts and condemnations, what are the sources of this happiness?


While happiness can be measured through various metrics, it obviously goes beyond factors like good falafel, a warm climate, or picturesque landscapes.


Financial Planning

Man Plans…

There is a well known Yiddish expression, “Der Mentsch Tracht Un Gott Lacht (man plans and G-d laughs)”. While this lesson has always been relevant, over these past two years it has been felt even more profoundly.

As our lives are constantly progressing and changing, we naturally try to plan ahead to mitigate any risks we may encounter in the future. This may manifest itself in financial planning, taking out a good insurance policy, or opening savings accounts for our children.

 While we are expected to do our part and act responsibly by planning for the future, at the same time we must remember not to put our absolute trust in anyone or anything other than G-d.


Man Plans…

The onset of the digital revolution in the mid-twentieth century has radically changed the way we live, communicate, work, shop, access healthcare and receive education, just to name a few.

The internet, personal computers and of course the smartphone has opened us up to a world of opportunity. We have become accustomed to the convenience of remote working and virtual meetings. The emergence of a variety of social media platforms has enabled us to remain connected with an ever growing social circle of family, friends and acquaintances.

The Mishnah (Ethics of our Fathers 6:11) states, “Everything that the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world He created only for His honor”. This includes all of the amazing technological developments of the last few centuries. G-d enabled human beings to discover these tools in order to help us fulfil the ultimate purpose of creation. At the same time, like every powerful development, these advances introduce both tremendous positive opportunities as well as great challenges.

Artificial Intelligence

Will AI Replace Humans

The consensus among many experts is that a great number of professions will be totally automated in the next five to 10 years due to the growth of artificial intelligence.


Among AI's biggest benefits, many experts believe, is its ability to save humans from having to perform tedious repetitive tasks that are part of their overall duties so they're free to focus on more rewarding projects — or just take some much needed time off.


The development of AI, leaves many people wondering:


Will super-intelligent computers take over the planet one day, leaving the humans who built them with little use?