To Love Life
The Talmud teaches that one can learn a lesson from everyone, even from one's enemies.
Just a few days after the horrific massacre on October 7th, a senior Hamas official was interviewed and asked how they had successfully taken the Israeli people by surprise.
The Hamas official responded, “The Israelis are known to love life” — Hamas view this as Israel's weakness and a weapon to be exploited. “We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves, we consider our dead to be martyrs... We made them think that Hamas was busy governing Gaza and assisting the people living there…All the while… Hamas was preparing for this big attack.”
Life is like a Ferris Wheel
Once, a disciple of the Rebbe Rashab, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneerson (1860-1920), despairingly came to the Rebbe to receive his blessing and guidance after experiencing a devastating loss to his once successful business.
The Rebbe Rashab listened and then said:
“One of the wondrous attractions in Vienna is a great big wheel with glass, iron-framed cars hanging from it (the Wiener Riesenrad, constructed in Vienna in 1887, one of the oldest extant Ferris wheels in the world). As the wheel turns, the cars rise and the riders on top can see very far. As it continues to turn, the cars on the bottom rise to the top while those on top are lowered.
Cultivating Faith
According to The Wall Street Journal, recent polling data reveals a "surprising surge of faith among young people." Research consistently shows that individuals of faith report feeling healthier and more fulfilled.
Data illustrate the public-health benefits of faith. Women who attend religious services at least once a week are 68% less likely to die from “deaths of despair,” including suicide, drug overdose and alcohol poisoning. Men are 33% less likely, according to 2020 research led by Harvard University's School of Public Health.
Love Vs. Respect
Why is it that it is sometimes challenging to like and respect the people whom we love?
Love is an emotion of the heart, respect is an intellectual appreciation for the positive qualities and values of another person and understanding their unique needs. While emotions are expressed more powerfully, they can also become destructive if they are not contained and given the proper context and boundaries. Intellect, on the other hand, may be more rational and less passionate, but it enables a person to develop a genuine appreciation and respect for those they love.
Both are equally important for any genuine relationship to thrive, whether in business partnerships, dating and marriage, or maintaining connections with family members.
A Response to Mark Twain
In his famous essay "Concerning the Jews," published in 1898, Mark Twain presents his profound wonder about the Jewish people:
"The Jews constitute only 1% of the human race... It suggests a nebulous, dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of... His contributions to the world's list of great names are way out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him... The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose... the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone... The Jew saw them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no dulling of his alert mind. All things are mortal but the Jew... What is the secret of his immortality?"
Music & Prayer
The Power of Music
There are many forms of expressive communication. Words can articulate our thoughts and ideas, poetry creatively conveys our emotions, and music has the power to express and impact our inner soul.
While it is usually easier to speak about business, sports and politics, it may be more challenging to properly express our deepest and most personal feelings and emotions. At times we may find ourselves at a loss for words or speechless following an extraordinary experience. Music can reveal that which can not be articulated in words.
Music also has the power to externally impact our character, behavior and mood. The melodies and lyrics of songs which we may have heard even as a young child often remain etched in our memories for the rest of our lives.
Lechaim! Are We Living or Existing
“Lechaim (to Life)" is not just a nice slogan used when friends and family make a toast together during joyous occasions. Lechaim connotes a blessing and desire that we wish to focus more on living and less on just existing.
To exist means to consume space, resources, food and all other materialistic things that our physical existence depends on. To live, on the other hand, means to focus on the meaning and purpose of life.
Instead of being motivated to work just to pay our bills, we strive to contribute to society, develop meaningful relationships with our families and friends, and make a positive difference for the people around us. We strive to infuse our daily lives with G-d given values and reinforce our connection to our heritage and G-dly mission through which the materialistic aspects of our lives take on a new meaning and serve a higher purpose.
The Secret to a Happy Marriage
What is the secret to building a happy marriage and a meaningful relationship?
Western civilization has developed exponentially over the last few centuries in many areas such as commerce, medicine, science and technology. Despite all the challenges still facing society today, we are living in a relative prosperous era.
But there is one particular vital area in life that has unfortunately been on the decline in recent years, that is the family fragmentation that has seeped into society in recent years.
What can we do to reverse the corrosion of values and rebuild a healthy family structure? More importantly, what lessons can we implement in our own homes and share with our children to help them forge lasting relationships and go on to build their own families in the future?