Doing Well by Doing Good
Bechukotai Levi Levitin Bechukotai Levi Levitin

Doing Well by Doing Good

Not long ago, the conventional belief was that profit and corporate social responsibility were mutually exclusive pursuits. The notion that a company could boost its bottom line while contributing positively to society was rarely entertained by business leaders.

Today, however, advanced technologies and streamlined processes are reducing costs, paving the way for a new perspective: benefiting people and the world need not sacrifice profitability.

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Career Satisfaction
Bechukotai Levi Levitin Bechukotai Levi Levitin

Career Satisfaction

In a recent research study on career satisfaction conducted by Forbes, it was reported that one of the primary factors influencing employee and client satisfaction was the approach taken by businesses, whether transactional or relational.

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