From Berlin to Gaza
Chanukah Levi Levitin Chanukah Levi Levitin

From Berlin to Gaza

It was the eighth night of Chanukah in Kiel, Germany, a small town with a Jewish population of 500. That year, 1931, the last night Chanukah fell on Friday evening, and Rabbi Akiva Boruch Posner, spiritual leader of the town was hurrying to light the Menorah before the Shabbat set in.

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Chanukah-What are we celebrating?
Chanukah Chayale Levitin Chanukah Chayale Levitin

Chanukah-What are we celebrating?

Every holiday is commemorated with its unique Mitzvot, traditions and customs that reflect the nature of the miracle or event that occurred.For example, on Passover we conduct a Seder, eat Matzah, bitter herbs and drink four cups of wine to relive and recount the story of the slavery and ultimate redemption of our ancestors from Egypt many years ago.

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