George, an avid fisherman, once set out on a quest to figure out the size of the smallest fish living in the ocean. So he spread out a huge fishing net in the Atlantic Ocean and was amazed to catch fish of all different types, colors and sizes. But surprisingly, out of the tens of thousands of fish that he caught, he did not find any fish smaller than five inches.

The Next Big Thing
In 1964, Look magazine ran a cover story entitled “The Vanishing American Jew.” The national publication explained to their millions of readers why in all certainty there would no longer be any Jews left in the United States in the 21st century.
Well, we all know what happened. Look magazine has disappeared and the Jewish people live on and continue to thrive. Thank G-d we are witnessing a revival of Judaism in America and around the world. There is a thirst among Jews of all walks of life and demographics to reconnect with their Jewish heritage and millions of Jews are returning to their roots.