A Visionary Mindset
Devarim, Moshiach, Tisha Be'av Levi Levitin Devarim, Moshiach, Tisha Be'av Levi Levitin

A Visionary Mindset

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers revolutionized the modern world with the first successful airplane flight, embodying the power of visionary thinking. While most were focused on improving the speed and efficiency of existing modes of transportation, the Wright brothers, like other visionaries, saw beyond the limits of their time, imagining a future where humans could fly.

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Effective Communication
Devarim Levi Levitin Devarim Levi Levitin

Effective Communication

A couple days ago, I was speaking with an acquaintance who shared the following challenge he was facing:

After overseeing a merger with another law firm, he was encountering some resistance from a few of his attorneys. Although they were receiving a raise, better working conditions, and job security, they were still unhappy with the new arrangements.

There may be many facets to the quandary, but perhaps one way to address the issue is through effective communication.

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Make it Relevant
Devarim, Relevant Levi Levitin Devarim, Relevant Levi Levitin

Make it Relevant

I recently heard a young entrepreneur share his experiences and struggles which he faced while launching his startup.

He had invested a significant amount of seed money to create a great product, but, for some reason, he had failed to attract enough interest from potential customers to remain sustainable.

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Yiddish Humor
Devarim, Communication Levi Levitin Devarim, Communication Levi Levitin

Yiddish Humor

In the early 20th century, the Borscht Belt in the Catskills was a popular summer vacation destination for Jewish immigrants looking to escape the stress and density of city life.

Many famous Jewish comedians and entertainers got started with their careers performing at hotels and resorts in the area delighting their audiences with Yiddish humor especially highlighting stereotypical Jewish traits.

There is something about the Yiddish language that captures and expresses so much of our Jewish history, culture, and Weltanschauung.

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