A Lesson from Scooter Braun
Miketz, Jewish Identity Levi Levitin Miketz, Jewish Identity Levi Levitin

A Lesson from Scooter Braun

At a recent StandWithUs Dinner, entrepreneur and record executive Scooter Braun shared a lesson he had learned from his grandparents, survivors of Auschwitz and Dachau: “Never to be afraid again.”

He turned to his three young children, aged 5-8, seated in the audience, and asked, “What do I teach you?”

Without hesitation, his children shouted in unison, “Ich bin a Yiddish Keend” (i.e., I am a Jewish child).

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A Message from Sheryl Sandberg
Vayishlach, Jewish Identity Levi Levitin Vayishlach, Jewish Identity Levi Levitin

A Message from Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Meta, recently delivered a powerful message to Jewish leaders at the Jewish Federations' General Assembly in Washington, D.C. Using a simple yet profound experiment, she invited the audience to raise their hands as high as they could, then challenged them to lift their hands an inch higher.

As they complied, she added, “Now, raise it an inch higher.” Remarkably, each person managed to lift their hand even further. “See that?” she said. “When we think we've done all we can, we realize we can do more—and we do!”

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