Universal Mission
Noach Chayale Levitin Noach Chayale Levitin

Universal Mission

David Chase, a Holocaust survivor, businessman and philanthropist who led many important charitable efforts for Jewish communities around the globe, once shared an inspiring episode.Chase maintained the practice of praying in Tallit and Tefillin daily—even aboard airplanes and his personal yacht. In following the Talmudic dictum to face towards Jerusalem while praying, Chase regularly asked his captain, a non-Jew named Nick Winters, of the ship’s position and projected route.

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The Antidote to Stress
Noach Chayale Levitin Noach Chayale Levitin

The Antidote to Stress

Managing our stress level is a challenge we often face when trying to keep up with our daily responsibilities and commitments.

Maintaining a healthy balance between family, work, community and a connection to our heritage is essential to living a purposeful and meaningful life. But how can we properly dedicate ourselves to each of these aspects of our lives within the limited time we have without feeling overwhelmed? This quandary assumes even greater prominence during times like these when we are faced with uncertainty and unique challenges.

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