Harnessing Our Inner Passion
Vaeira, Passion Levi Levitin Vaeira, Passion Levi Levitin

Harnessing Our Inner Passion

During Chanukah 2020, in Tyumen, Siberia, a special ice Menorah was built in honor of the holiday which served as a beacon for the local Jewish population. The Menorah was erected by the local Chabad emissary, Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelick. The menorah generated considerable publicity in the town and was also featured on a prominent Israeli television show, which described how the Menorah was built and featured the lighting of the first light of Chanukah on the ice menorah.

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Passion Vs. Apathy
Tzav, Passion Levi Levitin Tzav, Passion Levi Levitin

Passion Vs. Apathy

There is a humorous anecdote told of an English studies teacher who once asked her student, “What's the difference between ignorance & apathy?", to which the disinterested student replies, "I don’t know and I don’t care".

In truth, the two are actually closely linked.

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