A Life Lesson from Steve Jobs
In the opening pages of his biography, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, reflects candidly on his adoption. He recalls a chilling moment when he was about six or seven years old. He told the girl across the street that he was adopted, and she replied, “So does that mean your real parents didn’t want you?”

Happiness is a Choice
A young couple living in Czarist Russia in the early 1800s were faced with a significant decision. Life in Russia at the time was no picnic, especially for the Jewish people, due to the many economic and religious restrictions imposed on the Jewish communities in particular. They were considering making Aliya and immigrating to Israel to enjoy an easier life with the liberty to openly practice Torah and Mitzvot and benefit from the spiritually uplifting atmosphere of the Holy Land.

It’s Bashert
You may have heard the Yiddish expression “it’s Bashert”, loosely translated as, “it’s meant to be”.
While this expression is most commonly used to describe one’s soul mate in the context of marriage and dating, such as, “I found my Bashert”, it also has a broader connotation for many other areas in life including one’s career choice, place of residence, or when facing unexpected challenges and opportunities.