A Gift Which Money Can’t Buy
Kivi Bernhard, an international keynote speaker and author of the highly acclaimed "Leopardology: The Hunt For Profit In a Tough Global Economy," received an invitation to deliver the opening address at a prominent Microsoft conference. The event was expected to host hundreds of international figures vital to Microsoft's business, including Bill Gates.
The Big Picture
“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”. This popular saying is often used to remind ourselves or others that it isn't worth getting upset or stressed about minor issues.
Effective managers are able to share the vision of their company with their employees and partners so that while each team member may be preoccupied with their specific tasks on a daily basis, they also understand how their work contributes to the success of the business as a whole. This realization motivates each member of the team to carry out even seemingly trivial tasks with the greatest care and at the same time not allow inconsequential challenges to consume them.