It's all in the head 
Shemot, Productivity Levi Levitin Shemot, Productivity Levi Levitin

It's all in the head 

There is an anecdote told of a prisoner in a Russian labor camp. His task, for twenty-five grueling years, involved turning a heavy wheel fixed to a wall. He assumed perhaps he was milling grain, or pumping water that irrigated many fields. In his mind's eye he saw the plentiful crops and the sacks of milled grain feeding thousands of people. However, upon his impending release, he requested to see the apparatus behind the prison wall. To his dismay, the wheel served no purpose. The man collapsed in a faint, absolutely devastated. His years of toil felt utterly futile.

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The Digital Revolution
Shemot, Technology Levi Levitin Shemot, Technology Levi Levitin

The Digital Revolution

The digital revolution in the mid-twentieth century spurred the emergence of the information age.

The technological advances of the last few decades have radically changed the way we communicate, work, shop, and receive our education just to name a few.

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