

When choosing a career, there are many factors that may influence our decision such as work qualifications, salary, and time commitments. However, the most important factor, if possible, is to find a job that we enjoy and find meaningful. This enables us to make a positive impact on the world around us.

Having the opportunity to work and earn a living is a great blessing, regardless of the type of job we have. However, if we are fortunate enough to be passionate and enthusiastic about our job, it no longer feels like work.

While children may need incentives and rewards to act appropriately, as we mature and gain experience, we naturally begin to value productivity and positive accomplishments. We develop a greater appreciation for life.

It seems surprising, then, that in this week’s Torah portion Behar-Bechukotai, the Torah shares the great rewards for studying Torah and fulfilling Mitzvot. As the verse states: “If you follow My statutes and observe My commandments and perform them. I will give your rains in their time, the Land will yield its produce, and the tree of the field will give forth its fruit…” (Leviticus 26:3–4).

These rewards are overwhelmingly and conspicuously material; there is almost no mention of spiritual reward. The commentaries raise an obvious question concerning these statements. 

Seemingly, good behavior is not a bargain which G‑d strikes with us. G-d gave us His Torah and Mitzvot as a means and opportunity for us to step beyond the realm of ordinary mortal experience and connect ourselves to G‑d. The very word Mitzvah alludes to this concept, for it shares the root of the term Tzavsa, meaning “connection” or “bond.” When we perform a Mitzvah , we unite ourselves with Him and create a home for G-d on this earth. Our Sages point to this concept in their teaching in Pirkei Avos (Ethics of our Fathers): “The reward for a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah.” What we receive for doing G‑d’s will is a bond with Him. The material benefits one receives as a reward pales in comparison to the ultimate objective.
So why, then, does the Torah emphasize specifically physical rewards for doing the right thing? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to emphasize the long-term spiritual benefits and rewards a person receives in this world and in the world to come for behaving properly? 

In truth, there is a deeper meaning behind the Torah’s mention of reward. It serves not only as an incentive or deterrent, but, most importantly the Torah is conveying the natural consequence of our behavior.

We do not perform Mitzvot or study Torah to do a favor to G-d, to alleviate our guilty conscience or even for future reward. The Torah is teaching us that when we live a life that truly reflects our inner makeup and purpose, our quality of life is naturally enhanced as a result. Our marriage prospers, our relationship with our children blossoms and our work-life balance is in proper sync allowing us to truly enjoy the benefits of our work. Our connection with our Judaism, when applied properly, will refine our character and enable us to live a joyful meaningful life.

A friend of mine once shared that while he was in college he had struggled with Shabbat observance due to the many responsibilities and business ventures he was overseeing at the time. His perspective changed after confiding with his spiritual mentor that he had no time to observe Shabbat. His mentor replied, “you have no time not to celebrate Shabbat”. In essence, celebrating Shabbat gives us the opportunity to live a balanced life and become a better spouse, parent, business leader etc living an harmonious life both physically and spiritually.

Just as this applies to our own personal lives, the same is true with regards to the world in general. One of the fundamental beliefs in Judaism is that the ultimate purpose of creation is to transform this world for the good and usher in an era of peace and prosperity with the coming of Moshiach (redemption) to the world. 

The era of Moshiach not only serves as a spiritual reward for all our collective efforts throughout history, but rather, more importantly, it is the sum total and natural result of our work. Moshiach will enable us to truly appreciate all the wonderful things the world has to offer while eliminating all the pain, destruction, and negativity. Moshiach will remove all ego, jealousy and competition so that everyone will learn to love one another. There will be no more wars, sickness or poverty and all nations on earth will be preoccupied with solely advancing the betterment of society to serve G-d as one.

As Maimonides states: “At that time there will be no famines and no wars, no envy and no competition. For the Good will be very pervasive. All the delicacies will be as readily available as is dust. The world will only be engaged in knowing G-d..., ‘For the Earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea’ (Isaiah 11:9)”.


Career Satisfaction


Holy Business