Israel: Post October 7
Uvda, described by Variety as “the local equivalent to CBS News' 60 Minutes”, ran a segment that featured United Hatzalah members Avi and Avi who had been celebrating Shabbat and the holiday with their families and community when they first heard the news of the horrific attacks on October 7th. Following the Torah's injunction that saving a life supersedes all other laws, they jumped into their ambulance and started heading south.

Priorities: Business or Clients?
Providing good customer service is an important part of any successful business. However, to what extent should a company be ready to accommodate a client's request or perhaps absorb a financial loss? What if the loss came as a result of extraneous circumstances such as a pandemic which is beyond the control of the business or the client?

With only so much time in our day and with a finite amount of resources and energy, we are often faced with the challenge of prioritizing and choosing between various responsibilities and opportunities to engage with at any given moment.
This may express itself in finding the right work-life balance such as choosing between staying an extra hour in the office or returning home to spend quality time with our children before they go to bed. Or it may manifest itself in how we choose to invest our philanthropic dollars or community engagement.

Unconditional Love
A little while ago, after being disciplined for misbehavior, my son innocently asked me, “Do you still love me?”
It’s easy to dismiss children’s words as just blabber. Though, often enough, the most profound ideas and insights can be gleaned from the expressions and refreshing questions of small children.
By asking “Do you still love me”, he was essentially wondering if a parent's love to a child is unconditional or if it is conditional on good behavior.