Naso, Peace Levi Levitin Naso, Peace Levi Levitin


In July of 2022, Israeli pop star Yuval Dayan stirred an outcry and a heated public debate in Israel when she refused to shake hands with visiting US President Joe Biden due to her religious beliefs.

Dayan, along with another singer, Ran Danker, performed at a ceremony marking Biden's receipt of Israel's highest civilian honor.

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Peace through Strength
Naso, Israel Levi Levitin Naso, Israel Levi Levitin

Peace through Strength

Rivka Ravitz, a mother of 12, had achieved a historic milestone as the first woman and religious individual to serve as Chief of Staff for a President of Israel.

During a recent interview, Ravitz reflected on the numerous opportunities she had to meet with world leaders and the admiration they expressed for her unwavering commitment to upholding her Jewish values and raising a large family while fulfilling her duties in a prominent position.

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Maximizing our Potential
Naso, Potential Levi Levitin Naso, Potential Levi Levitin

Maximizing our Potential

There is a famous anecdote that tells of the Sage Reb Zusha of Anipoli (1718, Tarnow, Poland- 1800, Anipoli, Ukraine) relating to his disciples, “When I go up to heaven after my time on earth is completed, I am not afraid of being asked why I was not as great as Moses, after all, G‑d already has a Moses. I am afraid, however, of being asked, ‘Zusha, why weren’t you Zusha?’ ”

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