The Secret to a Happy Marriage
What is the secret to building a successful marriage and a meaningful relationship?
Western civilization has developed exponentially over the last few centuries in many areas such as commerce, medicine, science and technology. Despite all the challenges still facing society today, we are living in a relative prosperous era.

A Lesson from Afghanistan
It is difficult to remain apolitical in today’s charged political climate. Every aspect of society seems to have become a partisan issue. While of course it is important to vote based on our values and beliefs, we must be careful not to fall into the partisan political trap.
One of the things the Jewish people have learned throughout our long history is that we can not put our absolute faith in any particular party or politician. We have seen the worst and the best come from all sides of the political spectrum. While we do our best to establish a stable, safe, and prosperous society, we must put our ultimate faith only in G-d that He will take care of all our needs.

Social Media
What common denominator do social media networks and platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. share which make them so appealing to consumers? While they each have their own unique features and applications, they have all tapped into an essential human disposition: the need for connectivity.
G-d created human beings with a natural desire to connect with fellow human beings. This desire is the driving force behind the formations of communities, country clubs, business networks, peer groups and of course families.